What are Consumer Protection Councils in India?

What are Consumer Protection Councils in India?

The Consumer Protection Act, 2019 aims to safeguard the interests and rights of consumers in India. In line with this goal, the Act provides for the establishment of Consumer Protection Councils at three levels—Central, State, and District. These councils play a crucial role in advocating for consumer rights, reviewing consumer-related policies, and suggesting improvements to enhance consumer protection. Let’s delve into the structure, purpose, and functions of these councils.

Structure and Composition of Consumer Protection Councils

The Consumer Protection Councils are advisory bodies formed to represent and address the concerns of consumers. They are established at the Central, State, and District levels, and their composition is designed to include a diverse group of members from both government and non-government sectors. This broad-based composition ensures that the councils reflect a range of perspectives and are capable of providing balanced and inclusive recommendations.

  1. Central Consumer Protection Council (CCPC)
    • Chairman: The Minister In-charge of Consumer Affairs at the central level is the Chairman of the Central Consumer Protection Council.
    • Members: The council consists of both official members (such as government officials, legal experts, and representatives from various departments) and non-official members, which may include consumer activists, representatives from consumer organizations, industry bodies, and other stakeholders.
    • Objective: The primary function of the Central Consumer Protection Council is to review and evaluate the policies, laws, and practices relating to consumer protection at the national level and suggest measures for their improvement. This includes reviewing the implementation of the Consumer Protection Act, promoting awareness about consumer rights, and recommending changes in policies to address emerging consumer concerns.
  2. State Consumer Protection Council (SCPC)
    • Chairman: The Minister In-charge of Consumer Affairs in the respective state is the Chairman of the State Consumer Protection Council.
    • Members: Similar to the Central Council, the State Consumer Protection Council comprises both government representatives and consumer activists or representatives from non-government organizations (NGOs). The council ensures that state-specific issues related to consumer welfare are addressed.
    • Objective: The role of the State Consumer Protection Council is to look into the implementation of consumer protection laws at the state level, review local issues affecting consumers, and suggest improvements in consumer policies and programs specific to the state’s needs.
  3. District Consumer Protection Council (DCPC)
    • Chairman: The Collector of the District serves as the Chairman of the District Consumer Protection Council.
    • Members: The council includes government officials, consumer experts, and other stakeholders who have an interest in improving consumer welfare at the district level.
    • Objective: The District Council’s main function is to address consumer grievances at the grassroots level. It also ensures that the district forums are functioning properly and that consumers’ rights are being protected within the district. The council reviews consumer protection practices and suggests reforms at the local level.

Functions and Objectives of Consumer Protection Councils

The primary purpose of these councils is to protect and promote the rights of consumers in India. The councils are advisory in nature, meaning they do not have executive powers to enforce laws but provide recommendations to the government for policy changes and improvements. The key functions of the Consumer Protection Councils include:

  1. Review and Recommend Policies: These councils periodically review existing consumer protection policies and propose changes or new measures to improve consumer welfare.
  2. Promote Consumer Awareness: The councils play a vital role in creating awareness about consumers’ rights and educating the public on how to protect their interests. This is particularly important in a country as diverse as India, where consumers may have limited access to information.
  3. Advise on Legislative Matters: The councils advise the government on issues related to consumer rights, market regulation, and consumer welfare. They may suggest amendments to laws to ensure that consumer protection keeps pace with evolving market practices and challenges.
  4. Address Regional and Local Issues: The State and District Councils focus on local issues that affect consumers, ensuring that consumer rights are protected at regional and district levels. This localized approach helps in addressing specific challenges faced by consumers in particular areas.
  5. Coordination between Various Bodies: These councils also act as intermediaries between various government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and industry stakeholders to ensure that the interests of consumers are central to policy-making.
  6. Advocate for Consumer Justice: Through their advisory role, the councils work to ensure that consumers have access to justice, particularly when their rights are violated by unfair practices or substandard goods and services.

What Are Consumer Disputes Redressal Agencies?

In addition to the establishment of the Consumer Protection Councils, the Consumer Protection Act also sets up a three-tier Consumer Disputes Redressal Mechanism at the District, State, and National levels. These forums are designed to address and resolve consumer grievances efficiently and fairly.

  1. District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum (District Level)
    • This forum is the first point of contact for consumers to lodge complaints where the value of the goods or services in dispute is below ₹20 lakh. The District Forum provides a simple, accessible, and affordable process for consumers to seek redressal of their grievances.
  2. State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (State Level)
    • For disputes involving amounts between ₹20 lakh and ₹1 crore, consumers can approach the State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission. This forum handles appeals against decisions made by the District Forum as well as direct complaints within its jurisdiction.
  3. National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (National Level)
    • The National Commission deals with complaints where the value of the goods or services in dispute exceeds ₹1 crore. It also has the authority to hear appeals from the decisions of the State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commissions and provide final resolution on matters of national importance.

These consumer forums are empowered to provide various remedies, including refunds, replacements, damages, and fines, depending on the nature of the complaint.


The Consumer Protection Councils and Consumer Disputes Redressal Agencies play a pivotal role in safeguarding the rights and interests of consumers in India. While the councils provide an advisory platform to recommend improvements in consumer protection policies, the redressal agencies ensure that consumers have accessible and effective legal recourse when their rights are violated.

As consumers, it is essential to be aware of these protections and the mechanisms available to seek justice. If you are facing consumer-related issues or need legal assistance to resolve disputes, Legal Light Consulting can help. Our team of expert lawyers specializes in consumer law and can guide you through filing complaints, pursuing legal action, and ensuring your consumer rights are upheld. Contact us today for assistance in resolving your consumer grievances.


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