Mutation in MCD
Mutation in MCD: Mutation in Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) describes changing the name of the person in whose name a property is registered, in MCD records.
The mutation is only conducted for the purpose of Property tax and it does not grant any legal ownership of the property. A purchaser is liable to mutate the property in MCD records in case of a sale, and beneficiary in case of the death of the original owner.
Fee for Mutation of Property / Land:- Under the DMC (Amendment) Act, 2003, and the Bye-laws framed thereunder regarding the apportionment of property tax on such vacant land or building among the several occupiers of such vacant land or building for the current period of assessment or for any preceding period of assessment shall be one hundred rupees per assesses for each period of assessment for each apportionment, fee of Rs.100/- is to be paid, along with composition fee of Rs. 50/- (wherever applicable).
Documents required to be enclosed with the application are as follows: The application for mutation is generally disposed of in 30-45 days from the date of receipt of the application after which a Mutation Certificate / Letter is issued.
In case of a Sale Deed
- Notice in Form-A
- Copy of valid instrument(s) of transfer – deed of such transfer must be duly stamped and registered. Transfer duty on such stamp duty must have been paid;
- Possession letter/mutation, if any;
- Application for mutation with Rs.3/- Court fee stamp affixed on it;
- Indemnity Bond on Rs.100/- Stamp Paper duly attested by Notary;
- Affidavit on Rs.10/- Stamp Paper duly attested by Notary (Annex-A);
- Clearance of up-to-date Property Tax;
- Apportionment fee of Rs. 100/- per assessment for each period of assessment along with compounding fee of Rs. 50/- (wherever applicable) for each default u/s 128(1), 128(2) and 128(3) of the DMC Act.
In the case of Death
- 1. Notice in Form-B
- Death Certificate of the earlier owner;
- Copy of Will along with codicil (if applicable) or Succession Certificate;
- Indemnity Bond on Rs.100/- Stamp Paper duly attested by Notary;
- Affidavit on Rs.10/- Stamp Paper duly attested by Notary (Annex-B);
- Affidavit / No objection from another legal heir (s) / co-assesses (s) on Rs.10/-Stamp Paper duly attested by Notary in case of “Unregistered Will” (Annexure-C);
- In the case of a Registered Will, an affidavit from the person on whom the title devolves;
- Clearance of up-to-date Property tax;
- Apportionment fee of Rs. 100/- per assessment for each period of assessment along with compounding fee of Rs. 50/- (wherever applicable) for each default u/s 128(1), 128(2) and 128(3) of the DMC Act.
An up-to-date clearance on Property Tax.
- An up-to-date clearance on Property Tax.
- A photocopy of Power of Attorney.
- An application form for the mutation of property along with an Rs. 3 court fee stamp.
- Indemnity Bond on Rs. 100 Stamp Paper.
- Affidavit on Rs. 10 Stamp Paper.
- An up-to-date clearance on Property Tax.
In the case of a will, no objection from other legal heirs in favour of the beneficiaries is insisted upon by the Department. Mutation once allowed, shall not be cancelled without prior approval of the Assessor & Collector.
The above-mentioned rules and regulations are governed by the Municipal Corporation of Delhi, and they are subject to change.