llc lawyer


Our firm handles legal matters in the following practice areas: SARFAESI Act, RDB Act, Insolvency & Bankruptcy Act, Recovery of Debts & Bankruptcy Act, NCLT Lawyers, NCLT Chandigarh, NCLT Delhi, National Company Law Tribunal, Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code, Resolution Professional, OTS, Bank Settlement, Rehabilitation and Restructuring.

Comprehensive legal services are provided under the same roof to clients in various legal aspects by highly qualified and experienced lawyers.

Our Best DRT Lawyers In Delhi help the client recover lost money by sending a legal notice, filing a recovery case or summary suit in the high court, debt recovery tribunal and if needed in the supreme court.

The cases are tackled in a systematic manner with a proper understanding of the individual situation.

The lawyers present practical simple solutions catering to individual needs.

It is difficult to recover money from an absconding person. However, if you have his permanent address may be his parent’s house address try to show him as if he is residing there and try to get an Expatriate decree.

If you have a guarantor signed for that person you can proceed against him as if he is liable to pay.

DRT or Debt Recovery Tribunal was formed to help in the recovery of debts related to banks and other financial institutions with their customers.

Being the best DRT lawyers in Delhi we help you to recover your lost money. We are the top DRT advocates in Delhi who are well versed with all legal procedures so that you don’t lose your hard-earned money.

We have the expertise to draft and send a legal notice, file a debt recovery case in the Debt Recovery Tribunal (DRT) and deal with all the related proceedings.

We have the most experienced debt recovery lawyers in Delhi who will also help the individuals who have worked for others but didn’t receive the salary or payment for their services.

We use the most practical approach and help you in all possible manners. As there is always a need for recovery of lost money and at such a time top DRT advocates in Delhi help you to deal with all kinds of Debt Recovery cases / DRT matters.

Recovery of debts is not an easy task, but the best debt recovery lawyers in Delhi with immense experience help you to recover your payment and dues in time as we follow all legal procedures.

Each individual case has its own need and we use our high experience to solve the issue within time.

Our advocates in Delhi can work in an effective and efficient manner to recover debts as early and easily.

  • Debt recovery lawyer Delhi for handling cases in OA
  • DRT lawyer Delhi for filing of OA in DRT against SARFASI order
  • Debt recovery lawyer in Delhi for handling cases of bank loans
  • DRT Delhi for recovery of money under the SARFASI Act
  • Debt recovery lawyers in Delhi for all legal services at DRT
  • Best Advocates for DRT cases
  • Best DRT lawyers in Delhi
  • Team of Advocates for DRT cases
  • DRT lawyer for SARFASI case
  • DRAT lawyer for appeal against DRT orders

The role of Advocate for DRT case is very important. The best DRT Lawyers in Delhi only determines the entire strategy of the DRT case and proceeds with the case at different stages.

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