Arya Samaj Marriage: A Comprehensive Guide
What is Arya Samaj Marriage?
Arya Samaj marriages are solemnized according to the principles of the Arya Samaj, a Hindu reform movement founded by Swami Dayanand Saraswati. These marriages emphasize simplicity, equality, and Vedic principles.
Legal Validity:
- Arya Samaj marriages are legally valid in India.
- They are recognized under the Arya Samaj Marriage Validation Act, 1937, and the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955.
- After the ceremony, it is advisable to register the marriage with the Marriage Registrar for official records.
- Age:
- Minimum age for boys: 21 years
- Minimum age for girls: 18 years
- Who can perform the marriage: A qualified Arya Samaj priest (Pandit).
- Inter-caste marriages: Allowed and recognized.
- Non-Hindus: While primarily for Hindus, individuals from other faiths can also choose to have an Arya Samaj marriage.
Gather necessary documents:
- Age Proof:
- Matriculation certificate
- Passport
- Driving license
- Pan card
- Birth certificate (from MCD or other recognized government office)
- Voter ID card
- Ration card
- College ID card
- Age certificate from CMO
- Residence Proof:
- Voter ID card
- Ration card
- Passport
- Driving license
- Bank passbook
- Phone or electricity bill
- Domicile certificate (issued by the relevant government office)
- Voter ID card of parents
- College ID card or service ID card with address proof
- Rent agreement
- Photographs: 6-6 passport-sized photos of both bride and groom (separate)
- Witnesses: Two witnesses with valid ID proof and address (e.g., Voter ID, Driving License, Passport, Ration card)
- Affidavits: Two affidavits, one from the bride and one from the groom (refer to the standard format)
- Other items: Mangal sutra, two jaimalas, flowers, sweets, fruits
- Age Proof:
Contact an Arya Samaj Mandir:
- You can find Arya Samaj Mandirs in your area through online searches or local inquiries.
- Schedule an appointment with the Pandit for the marriage ceremony.
Attend the ceremony:
- The Pandit will guide you through the Vedic rituals and ceremonies.
- The Arya Samaj Mandir may provide some of the necessary items for the ceremony (e.g., ghee, samagri, samidha, Kapoor, Kalawa).
Obtain the Marriage Certificate:
- The Arya Samaj Mandir will issue a marriage certificate, which is legally valid.
Register the Marriage (Optional but recommended):
- Register the marriage with the Marriage Registrar’s office for official records.
Important Notes:
- If you are widowed or divorced, you will need to provide the relevant documentation (death certificate, divorce decree).
- Photocopies of all original documents are required.
This information is for general guidance only and may not cover all specific situations. It is advisable to consult with an Arya Samaj Mandir or legal professional for personalized advice