Understanding Shipment Delay for Legal Light Consulting – LLC
Understanding Shipment Delay for Legal Light Consulting – LLC
A dispute arose on 07-02-2025 due to a full shipment delay. Let’s explore this scenario in detail and the possible legal remedies to address such a situation, especially for a firm like Legal Light Consulting – LLC.
Scenario Overview
- Date of Dispute: 07-02-2025
- Reason: Full shipment delay.
Probable Remedies and Legal Actions
1. Mediation
Mediation is a process where a neutral third party helps the disputing parties reach a settlement. In this case, mediation notice has been served as mandatory, but mediation has not been initiated yet, which is a requirement.
Act & Section:
- The Commercial Courts Act, 2015
- Section 12A: Pre-Institution Mediation and Settlement
Procedural Aspects:
- The Commercial Courts (Pre-Institution Mediation and Settlement) Rules, 2018
- Rule 3: Initiation of mediation process
- Rule 6: Representation of parties
- Rule 7: Procedure of Mediation
- The Mediation Act, 2023
- Section 5: Pre-litigation mediation
- Section 13: Territorial jurisdiction to undertake mediation
- Section 29: Limitation
2. Compensation
Compensation refers to the payment given to the aggrieved party for the loss or damage incurred.
Act & Section:
- The Indian Contract Act, 1872
- Section 73: Compensation for loss or damage caused by breach of contract
- Section 74: Compensation for breach of contract where penalty stipulated for
- Section 75: Party rightfully rescinding contract, entitled to compensation
- Section 151: Care to be taken by bailee
- Section 153: Termination of bailment by bailee’s act inconsistent with conditions
- Section 161: Bailee’s responsibility when goods are not duly returned
- The Railways Act, 1989
- Section 93: General responsibility of a railway administration as carrier of goods
- Section 98: Goods in defective condition or defectively packed
- Section 107: Applications for compensation for loss, etc., of goods
- The Sales of Goods Act, 1930
- Section 16: Implied conditions as to quality or fitness
- Section 57: Damages for non-delivery
- Section 58: Specific performance
- Section 59: Remedy for breach of warranty
- Section 61: Interest by way of damages and special damages
Territorial Jurisdiction:
- Delhi (Residence of the other party).
- File a case before 07-02-2028 (3 years from the date of breach of contract, i.e., 07-02-2025).
Pecuniary Jurisdiction:
- District Judge
Court Fees:
- Rs. 34,161.60/-
3. Specific Performance
Specific performance is a legal remedy where the court orders the party in breach to perform their obligations under the contract.
Act & Section:
- The Specific Relief Act, 1963
- Section 10: Specific performance in respect of contracts
- Section 39: Mandatory injunctions
- Section 40: Damages in lieu of, or in addition to, injunction
- The Indian Carriage of Goods By Sea Act, 1925
- Article III: Responsibilities and Liabilities
- Article III(8): Carriage contract clauses attempting to relieve carrier liability for negligence or failing to meet duties under these Rules are void
- The Carriage By Road Act, 2007
- Section 10: Liability of common carrier
Territorial Jurisdiction:
- Delhi (Residence of the other party).
File a case before 07-02-2028 (3 years from the date of