Deed of Separation Between Husband and Wife

Deed of Separation Between Husband and Wife

This Deed is made the……….day of 2010 between AB of [address, etc.] (hereinafter called the Husband) of the one part, and CD, of [address, etc.], the wife of the said AB (hereinafter called the Wife) of the other part.

WHEREAS unhappy differences and disputes have arisen between the parties hereto, as a result whereof the marriage between them has broken down, and they are now living separate and apart from each other and intend to continue to live so hereafter unless there is any reconciliation.

For this purpose, they have agreed to enter into the following arrangement:


  1. The parties hereto shall continue to live separate and apart from each other. Neither of them shall have the right to the society of the other or shall molest, annoy, or interfere with each other.
  2. The Husband shall, during the joint lives of himself and the Wife, pay to the Wife, during her life, a monthly sum of Rs………. for her maintenance, commencing from [start date].
  3. The Wife shall have the custody and control as also the guardianship of the children of the marriage, EF and GS, now aged ………years and …years respectively, and shall, out of the said sum of Rs………, maintain and educate the said children until they shall respectively attain the age of……. years. She shall keep the Husband and his estate indemnified from and against all claims and demands on that account.
  4. The Wife shall be at liberty to remove forthwith from [address] all her wearing apparel, jewellery, and other personal effects, and also such of the furniture and other household goods and effects at the aforesaid address as belong to her as her separate property.
  5. The Wife shall pay for and discharge all debts incurred by her after the date hereof, whether for maintenance, support, or otherwise, and keep the Husband and his estate indemnified therefrom and against all actions, claims, and demands in connection therewith.
  6. Otherwise, the Husband shall have the right to set off all sums so paid against the Wife out of the moneys payable by him to her as aforesaid.
  7. The Husband shall have access to the children under arrangements to be made between them from time to time.
  8. The Husband may see and have the sole society of the said EF and GS at [location] every Saturday between the hours of [time] and [time] p.m.

Provided always and it is hereby agreed that in case the Husband and the Wife shall at any time hereafter with their mutual consent live together as man and wife, then in such case the said sums shall be no longer payable, and all the agreements hereinbefore contained shall become void and ineffective.

Provided also, that this deed shall stand revoked by the death of either party.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed these presents on the day, month, and year first above-written.

Signed, sealed, and delivered by AB, the Husband, in the presence of:

Signed, sealed, and delivered by CD, the Wife, in the presence of:

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Deed of Separation Between Husband and Wife: A Framework for Living Apart

This article explores a common legal document: the Deed of Separation.

This agreement is entered into by spouses who have decided to live apart but wish to formally outline the terms of their separation, including financial support, child custody, and other relevant matters.

Key Features of a Deed of Separation:

  • Formal Separation: The deed formally acknowledges the separation of the spouses and establishes that they will live separate and apart.
  • Maintenance for Wife: In this example, the deed provides for the husband to pay a monthly sum to the wife for her maintenance.
  • Child Custody: The wife is granted custody and control of the children, with the husband having specified visitation rights.
  • Indemnity Clause: The wife agrees to be responsible for her own debts and to indemnify the husband from any liabilities she may incur.
  • Flexibility: The deed may include provisions for future reconciliation, with specific terms outlining the circumstances under which the agreement would become void.

Importance of a Deed of Separation:

  • Provides Clarity and Certainty: The deed provides a clear and legally binding framework for the post-separation relationship between the spouses.
  • Minimizes Future Disputes: By addressing key issues upfront, the deed can help to minimize potential conflicts and disputes in the future.
  • Protects the Interests of Both Parties: The deed aims to protect the rights and interests of both spouses, ensuring that their financial and emotional needs are considered.

Importance of Legal Counsel:

It is crucial to consult with legal professionals, such as those at Legal Light Consulting, when drafting or reviewing a Deed of Separation. Experienced attorneys can:

  • Ensure Legal Compliance: Ensure that the deed complies with all applicable laws and regulations.
  • Protect Your Rights: Advocate for your best interests and ensure that your rights are protected under the terms of the agreement.
  • Draft a Comprehensive Agreement: Draft a clear and concise agreement that addresses all relevant issues and minimizes potential future disputes.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.

Contact Legal Light Consulting:

For personalized legal advice and assistance with separation agreements, please contact Legal Light Consulting. Our experienced team can provide expert guidance and ensure that your legal needs are met effectively.

Remember: The specific terms of a Deed of Separation will vary depending on the individual circumstances of each case.

This article provides a general overview of a typical Deed of Separation. It is essential to consult with legal professionals to ensure that any separation agreement meets your specific needs and protects your rights.

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