Draft a Petition for Reversal of Decree of Separation
Petition for Reversal of Decree of Separation (See section 26) No. of suit and cause title In the High Court of……… To the Hon’ble Mr. Justice ………….. (or To the Judge of) TheRead More
Petition for Reversal of Decree of Separation (See section 26) No. of suit and cause title In the High Court of……… To the Hon’ble Mr. Justice ………….. (or To the Judge of) TheRead More
Petition for Restitution of Conjugal Rights IN THE DISTRICT COURT AT……………….. ……………………………………………………………… Petitioner versus …………………………………………………………… Respondent Petition for the restitution of conjugal rights under Section 22 of the Special Marriage Act, 1954 (No.Read More
PETITION FOR REGISTRATION OF MARRIAGE IN THE DISTRICT COURT AT……………….. ……………………………………………………………… Petitioner versus …………………………………………………………… Respondent Petition under Section 24(2) of the Special Marriage Act, 1954 (No. 43 of 1954) for having the registrationRead More
Petition for Declaration of Marriage Registration Under the Special Marriage Act, 1954, to be of No Effect IN THE DISTRICT COURT AT……………….. ……………………………………………………………… Petitioner versus …………………………………………………………… Respondent Petition under Section 24(2) of theRead More
PETITION FOR REGISTRATION OF MARRIAGE IN THE DISTRICT COURT AT……………….. ……………………………………………………………… Petitioner versus …………………………………………………………… Respondent Petition under Section 24(2) of the Special Marriage Act, 1954 (No. 43 of 1954) for having the registrationRead More
Petition for Judicial Separation Under Section 10 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 This article focuses on a specific type of legal petition: a Petition for Judicial Separation under Section 10 of theRead More
Petition for Judicial Separation under Section 10 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 IN THE DISTRICT COURT AT……………….. ……………………………………………………………… Petitioner versus …………………………………………………………… Respondent Petition for a judicial separation under Section 10 of theRead More
Draft a Petition for Judicial Separation under Section 10 of the Hindu Marriage Act IN THE DISTRICT COURT AT……………….. ……………………………………………………………… Petitioner versus …………………………………………………………… Respondent Petition for a judicial separation under Section 10 ofRead More
Petition for Judicial Separation under the Special Marriage Act IN THE DISTRICT COURT AT……………….. ……………………………………………………………… Petitioner versus …………………………………………………………… Respondent Petition for judicial separation under Section 23 of the Special Marriage Act, 1954 (No.Read More
PETITION FOR JUDICIAL SEPARATION SPECIAL MARRIAGE ACT IN THE DISTRICT COURT AT……………….. ……………………………………………………………… Petitioner versus …………………………………………………………… Respondent Petition for judicial separation under Section 23 of the Special Marriage Act, 1954 (No. 43 ofRead More