Legalizing Adoption: Specialized Lawyers at Legal Light Consulting Adoption Deed Assistance
Adoption Deed
This Adoption Deed is executed by me, _________Khatoon aged years son of Sh. ________Singh R/o House No.__________, Haibowal Kalan, Ludhiana on this 06 January _________.
Whereas I for my spiritual benefit, for the benefit of my ancestors and for perpetuation of my all immovable and movable properties and name, _______Singh aged 48 years son of Sh. _______Singh R/o House __________, Ludhiana after giving the matter full an due consideration and while in possession of my senses, sound mind and full faculties and before a gathering of relations and friends, do perform all the customary and religious ceremonies and have given by _________Kumar aged ________years S/o Sh. Bansidhar Dubey resident of ___________, __________, Haibowal Kalan, Ludhiana, whom I accepted and adopted as a son like mine son.
The aforesaid _________Kumar aged __________years S/o Sh. ___________Dubey resident of _____________, Ludhiana determines all his rights and liabilities in the in the family of natural parents. From the aforesaid date the said __________Kumar aged _______years S/o Sh. ____________Dubey resident of ___________, Durgapuri, Haibowal Kalan, Ludhiana, shall have all the legal rights as my son in my family. I hereby bind myself to following terms and condition:-
- I, the adopter have no blood relation with the adoptee and now the said _________Kumar has become and adoptee son of adopter ________Singh and there is difference between.
- I, the adopter and the adoptee are of the same religion i.e. both are Hindus.
- Neither of the parties have ever been involved in any Adoption Deed
In witness whereof I, _________Singh have hereto set my hand at Ludhiana on 6-01-________in presence of following marginal witnesses:
Witness: Signature
1._____________________Pandey Adoptive father:
Kalan, Ludhiana
2.___________ Natural Father: