Divorce Procedure India

Mutual Consent Divorce was brought by the India Parliament vide Amendment in the year 1976 in the Hindu Marriage Act.

Annulment of marriage

A petition for the annulment of marriage is moved on certain grounds specified in various matrimonial laws.

NRI Legal Services

Indian settled abroad or on work permit who are involved in matrimonial crisis often faces complex situation of divorce.

Transfer Petition Supreme Court

Transfer Petition can be filed either in Supreme Court or High Court. Transfer Petition can be filed by either parties prosecuting or contesting case.

Contested Divorce

Contested Divorce implies party desirous of divorce approach the family Court/Civil Court for the dissolution of marriage

498A Criminal Proceedings

Presently, matrimonial cases are not confined within the realm of civil and family laws. Such cases can have criminal character too

Child Custody

In divorce proceedings, the most complex and emotionally drenching issue is that of child custody.

Restitution of Conjugal Rights

In cases, where one party leave the company and society of the other spouse, then a case for restitution of conjugal rights can be filed in the Court

Mutual Divorce

Divorce by Mutual Consent is the simplest and easiest way of dissolving marriage.

Domestic Violence Lawyers

Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005, popularly called as Domestic Violence Law, It variety of rights to women victim of Domestic Violence.


 Application for maintenance can be moved by either of the spouse who does not have the sufficient means to maintain him/her self.

Foreign Divorce

Divorce itself is complicated. Complication compounds and aggravate when it involves Indian Law of Divorce and Foreign Divorce and issues arising out of the same.

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