How do I find best lawyer to fight case for Business Valuation in Divorce at the court?
How do I find the best lawyer to fight the case for Business Valuation in Divorce at the court: Protect or fight get your rights in Your Business in a Divorce: During divorce proceedings, the determination of business assets is important, but many times an exact estimate of spouse’s business is overlooked by the other.
Usually, Divorce and Business do not go hand in hand. As a result, business income or assets remain hidden during the divorce procedure. When a divorcing couple jointly owns a family business, divorce can cause severe financial implications for each spouse and the company.
An exhaustive evaluation is done to help the client discover the true value of all properties including land, business, fixed deposits & shares to present to the family courts.
A secured equal share is given to you in all properties acquired by your spouse. To ensure that no asset goes amiss everything is well-documented for an ideal settlement of all business assets.
We guide you to protect your business whether it is individual property or marital property.
When the divorcing spouses operate a business together through partnership, shareholder, and operating agreements, then our business experts vet such agreements and evaluate if proper provisions are included in the case of a divorce.
Minimize the stress and cost associated with divorce by availing expert advice, guidance, and support at an early stage of the divorce process.
Business Valuation Services in Divorce: We provide a comprehensive business valuation for divorce cases to determine the equitable distribution of marital assets.
As a business appraisers, we provide expert opinions to help the court come to a conclusion about the business value based on fair market value and fair value.
The income approach is another method for business valuation. Our divorce law specialists explain the divorce process thoroughly to enable the divorcing couple to reach amicable agreements and reduce the cost, time, and stress involved in divorce proceedings.
Get the assistance of a forensic accountant in the case of any suspicion of fraud; We help you uncover a profile of the marital unit and interview each spouse then conduct a thorough investigation into the alleged fraud.
Where can I file a divorce petition in Delhi NCR*?
You can file a divorce petition at a district family court where: You last lived with your spouse. Your marriage ceremony took place. Your spouse is living at the time of filing the divorce petition.
What are the legal grounds for annulment of marriage by a woman?
A woman can apply for annulment of marriage if her husband exhibits the following tendencies: Adultery Renunciation Cruelty Desertion Conversion to other religions Insanity Leprosy Venereal diseases