by lease deed

Lease Deed

 Lease Deed: A lease deed is a written contract between a landlord (lessor) and tenant (lessee), which states that the landlord would receive a periodic payment in exchange for allowing the tenant to use and occupy the property.

The lease deed also defines the terms and conditions that govern the relationship between a landlord and a tenant during the period of the lease.

A lease deed is generally required when the property is leased for a long period of time, ranging between 1-5 years or even longer.

In such cases, a lease deed plays an important role to govern the relationship between the landlord and tenant and lays down the provisions legally binding over them.

 Lease Deed for Residential Purpose: The rental agreement between a lease and a lease for the leasing of a residential property.

This contract or agreement is signed by both parties in order to show their interest and harmony in the agreement. Both parties are required to have a written rental agreement in the event of a future disagreement and other future references.

Lease Deed for Commercial Purpose: The rental agreement between a lease and a leaser for the leasing of a commercial property.

This deed is signed by both parties in order to indicate their agreement to the terms and conditions placed in the document. This deed or agreement can be used for future reference in case of disagreement or misunderstanding.

Agreement of lease agreement draft templets 

Our law firm provides information and helps for the Drafting and Registration of all types of Legal and Property Documents across all the Sub-Registrar Offices in Delhi including the following:-

  • Sale Deed
  • Lease Deed / Rent Agreement
  • Agreement to Sell
  • Gift Deed
  • General Power of Attorney (GPA)
  • Will
  • Release/ Relinquishment Deed
  • Other Property Documents

For more information, you may contact us by visiting at

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